
1. What is your reaction to the text you just read?
I am very pleased with the story. knowing a little bit about superman and the justice league helps to connect with the characters. There were twists in the story that made it surprising and engaging. I know a little more about Brainiac and Lex Luthor than the villain from the 5th dimension but it made sense in explaining how everything was happening. I was fooled into thinking that Super Man would have been defeated the whole time but it was a great twist when he chose his own fate in the end.

2. What connections did you make to the story? discuss the elements of the story which you were able to connect.
I was able to connect with Clark's struggle to choose one person over the other, being Lois and Lana. I've had many similar situations and also experience with self sacrifice for the sake of morals and ideas. Super Man's sense of justice even in punishing himself is something that is vital in idolizing his character as a "Super Man". Also the predetermined fate of Super Man eventually needing to kill shows the reality and unpredictability of life. This is something everyone faces everyday.

3. What changes would you make to the story into another medium? what medium would you use? what changes would you make?
To translate this story into another medium I would choose an animated film, similar to Batman: The Killing Joke. In order to translate this properly I think it should match closely to the source material. That said not much should change, but a short introduction to these characters would be helpful for context to a casual reader.


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